With half a million members across both the primary and secondary sectors, Teachit is a thriving community of teachers and home tutors sharing resources and inspiration. What makes us different? All our resources are written and shared by teachers and checked by our teacher-editors so you know they can be trusted to work.
From free PDFs to PowerPoints, worksheets, quizzes, games and CPD webinars and articles from experts, Teachit has something for you at www.teachit.co.uk
With half a million members across both the primary and secondary sectors, Teachit is a thriving community of teachers and home tutors sharing resources and inspiration. What makes us different? All our resources are written and shared by teachers and checked by our teacher-editors so you know they can be trusted to work.
From free PDFs to PowerPoints, worksheets, quizzes, games and CPD webinars and articles from experts, Teachit has something for you at www.teachit.co.uk
Our EAL toolkit is designed for teachers and teaching assistants who don’t have a background in teaching English as an additional language to support EAL students in mainstream classrooms at key stage 3 and key stage 4.
What’s included?
The 74-page toolkit includes:
general classroom strategies to support EAL learners
an outline of the challenges faced by international new arrivals
fun and engaging EAL teaching ideas
EAL activities for new arrivals who are total beginners
printable EAL support resources and EAL displays for classrooms
a CPD PowerPoint for staff training and meetings
a glossary of English language teaching terminology
a list of EAL websites for teachers with links to EAL assessment materials.
This EAL toolkit will be invaluable for subject teachers, form tutors, heads of year and SENCos who wish to develop their understanding of the learning approaches you can use to support EAL pupils.
How does it support EAL learners?
The toolkit recommends general classroom strategies to support EAL learners, such as setting up a buddy system with a student who speaks the same home language. It also includes fun and engaging EAL teaching ideas, such as games, songs and role-plays, helping EAL students to feel less anxious about taking part in whole-class activities. It suggests EAL activities for new arrivals who are total beginners, such as labelling images and diagrams, and for those who have a more advanced level, such as adding complexity to sentences.
It includes printable EAL classroom resources, such as an alphabet letters mat, phonics mats, word mats, flashcards, sentence builders and writing frames that can also be used as templates for you to make your own, along with printable EAL support resources that could also be used as EAL displays for classrooms, such as an irregular verbs list, a tenses table, a list of easily confused words or homophones, a list of prefixes and suffixes and a list of common verbs used in academic writing.
It demonstrates how to adapt worksheets for EAL learners in order to support them with both language development and subject knowledge. It offers advice on how to pre-teach vocabulary before a reading or listening activity and how to help students who are learning English as an additional language identify key words and learn new vocabulary from a reading or listening text.
About the writer
Our EAL toolkit was written by Anna Czebiolko, currently a secondary head of EAL. Since starting to work with EAL learners in 2009, she has worked with children in every year group from nursery to sixth form. She also has experience of coordinating EAL provision in a large secondary academy.
Designed for the GCSE French specifications for AQA, Edexcel and WJEC Eduqas, this pack will help students to prepare for their speaking exam.
The pack includes activities for the role-play, photo card and general conversation elements of the exam, along with revision materials.
Covering all three GCSE French speaking themes, the pack also provides differentiated material for Foundation and Higher tiers, teaching notes and answers.
What’s included?
worksheets and vocabulary support
pair work speaking activities and games
model answers to use and adapt
exam-style tasks perfect for GCSE French speaking revision.
What’s inside?
Section one: Role-plays (pages 4-34)
Teaching notes
Les réseaux sociaux et la technologie
La musique
Le sport
Là où j’habite
Au restaurant
La santé
Les vacances
Les études et le travail
Section two: Photo cards (pages 35-75)
Teaching notes
Les amis et la famille
Le mariage et la vie en couple
Les réseaux sociaux et la technologie
Les traditions et les célébrations
Les œuvres caritatives et le bénévolat
Les problèmes environnementaux
La pauvreté et les sans-abris
Le travail et les choix de carrière
Section three: General conversation (pages 76-101)
Teaching notes
Asking questions
Key ingredients
Practice questions
Section four: Revision (pages 102-112)
Teaching notes
Mind-map template
Word sort
Inference grids
Pass the parcel speaking
Mastering grammar: verbs and tenses (Spanish) is designed to teach and review the key verb forms and tenses required by the GCSE curriculum at both Foundation tier and Higher tier. It is suitable for use with key stage 3 and key stage 4 students across a wide range of abilities and is not specific to a particular exam board.
The aim of the pack is to make the grammar appear logical and accessible by drawing students’ attention to patterns through fun, communicative activities that are informed by aspects of Gianfranco Conti’s EPI approach, including ‘mind reader’, ‘find someone who’ and ‘pyramid translation’.
What’s included?
The pack consists of eight units, one on each of the following tenses / verb forms:
present simple and present continuous tenses
negatives and questions
preterite and perfect tenses
imperfect tense
future tense
conditional tense
reflexive verbs
modal verbs and the passive voice
plus a review unit at the end.
The units are not intended as schemes of work but rather as a bank of ideas from which you can pick one activity or a series of activities at a level appropriate for your class. The examples used cover a variety of topics so that the activities can be integrated into your teaching at any point in the course. The vocabulary has deliberately been kept very simple, enabling students to concentrate on understanding and practising the grammar. There is particular focus on negatives and questions as examiners’ reports indicate that candidates often struggle with these.
Each unit includes:
an explanatory PowerPoint
awareness-raising activities (‘recognising the tense’)
practice activities (ranging from receptive knowledge through structured production to freer practice)
assessment tasks (receptive and productive knowledge)
answers (for activities with ‘right/wrong’ answers).
The PowerPoint teaches the grammar point explicitly, starting with a comparison of the English tense / verb form with the Spanish one. If you have weaker students, you could show them the explanatory PowerPoint after the activities, or not at all. If you have more able students or prefer a more traditional approach, you could show them the PowerPoint explanation before starting the activities.
What’s inside?
Introduction (pages 4–10)
Present tenses (pages 11–24)
Negatives and questions (pages 25–37)
Preterite and perfect tenses (pages 38–54)
Imperfect tense (pages 55–66)
Future tense (pages 67–83)
Conditional tense (pages 84–95)
Reflexive verbs (pages 96–102)
Modal verbs and the passive voice (pages 103–113)
Verb and tense review (pages 114–122)
Designed for the GCSE German specifications for AQA, Edexcel and WJEC Eduqas, this pack will help students to prepare for their speaking exam.
The pack includes activities for the role-play, photo card and general conversation elements of the exam, along with revision materials.
Covering all three themes for GCSE German speaking, the pack also provides differentiated material for Foundation and Higher tiers, teaching notes and answers.
What’s included?
worksheets and vocabulary support
pair work speaking activities and games
help with how to revise for GCSE German speaking
model answers to use and adapt
exam-style tasks.
What’s inside?
Section one: Role-plays (pages 4-34)
Teaching notes
Soziale Netzwerke und Technologie
Wo ich wohne
Im Restaurant
Studium und Arbeit
Section two: Photo cards (pages 35-75)
Teaching notes
Freunde und Familie
Ehe und Zusammenleben
Soziale Netzwerke und Technologie
Traditionen und Feste
Hilfsorganisationen und Freiwilligenarbeit
Armut und Obdachlosigkeit
Arbeit und Berufswahl
Section three: General conversation (pages 76-101)
Teaching notes
Asking questions
Key ingredients
Practice questions
Section four: Revision (pages 102-112)
Teaching notes
Mind-map template
Word sort
Inference grids
Pass the parcel speaking
Mastering vocabulary – Spanish offers research and evidence-based approaches to accelerating vocabulary acquisition for KS3-4 students.
It includes differentiated PowerPoints, collaborative learning activities and photocopiable resources to support comprehension skills for students in years 9, 10 and 11.
The resources draw on:
cognitive research into memorisation
examiners’ reports from reading and listening papers
vocabulary lists from all exam boards
best classroom practice by experienced teachers.
Suitable for any exam board, this pack covers approaches to learning, vocabulary starters, games and revision, as well as exam strategies.
What’s included?
Includes vocabulary starters, games, revision, learning strategies and exam tips.
Differentiated resources for years 9-11.
For use with AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC exam boards.
What’s inside?
Introduction (pages 3-4)
1. Learning strategies (pages 5-17)
10 tips for memorising vocabulary
Memory challenge template
Word wheel template
False friends quilts
2. Vocabulary starters (pages 18-42)
Word play starters: opinions
Triangle puzzles: time expressions
Make the link: synonyms, antonyms and connected words
3. Vocabulary games (pages 43-52)
Verb games
Snakes and ladders: decodable verbs
Speedy verb race
4. Vocabulary revision (pages 53-68)
Take 10 words
Revision quiz cards
Pick ‘n’ mix worksheets
Exam Tips (page 69)
This GCSE teaching pack consists of 10 PowerPoint files with accompanying photocopiable resources and is designed to improve students’ skills at translating from French to English.
Based on careful analysis of examiner reports and on teacher feedback, the pack focuses on 10 key skills, each linked to a different topic.
The pack includes tasks for Foundation and Higher tiers and exam-style assessments. Weave the activities into your teaching throughout the GCSE course or use as a revision tool in the run-up to the exam.
Mastering GCSE translation – French to English will prepare students for the last question in the French reading exam with AQA, Edexcel or Eduqas.
What’s included?
10 differentiated PowerPoint lessons on GCSE translation skills (into English).
Engaging learning activities across 10 topics.
Exam-style assessments for Foundation and Higher, with answers.
What’s inside?
Introduction (page 5)
Teaching notes (page 6)
Lesson 1: Precision (Topic: family and friends) (pages 6-11)
Learning activity: quiz, quiz, trade
Precision assessment and answers
Lesson 2: Time frames (Topic: technology) (pages 12-15)
Learning activity: collaborative translation
Time frames assessment and answers
Lesson 3: Negatives (Topic: free time) (pages 16-20)
Learning activity: verbal dominoes
Negatives assessment and answers
Lesson 4: Articles and adverbs (Topic: customs and festivals) (pages 21-27)
Learning activity: one pen, one dice
Articles and adverbs assessment and answers
Lesson 5: Pronouns and possessive adjectives (Topic: house and town) (pages 28-32)
Learning activity: four in a row game
Pronouns and possessive adjectives assessment and answers
Lesson 6: False friends (Topic: social issues) (pages 33-36)
Learning activity: card sort
False friends assessment and answers
Lesson 7: Connectives (Topic: global issues) (pages 37-41)
Learning activity: running translation
Connectives assessment and answers
Lesson 8: Unknown words (Topic: holidays) (pages 42-46)
Learning activity: card game
Unknown words assessment and answers
Lesson 9: Checking the basics (Topic: school) (pages 47-53)
Learning activity: find it and fix it
Checking the basics assessment and answers
Lesson 10: Common sense (Topic: work and future plans) (pages 54-58)
Learning activity: back to back
Common sense assessment and answers
Designed for AQA’s German GCSE but also suited to support specifications from Edexcel and Eduqas, this pack will equip students with the language and skills they need to tackle their writing exam.
Success at writing offers targeted and differentiated revision for all attainment levels, from grades 9-1. Students can pick and choose the question type they most need to work on and make real progress in a short space of time.
The pack includes activities for each of the question types in the writing exam for Foundation and Higher tiers and features top tips to help students maximise their marks.
What’s included
activities for each of the question types for Foundation and Higher tiers, including describing a photo, the 40, 90 and 150 word tasks and translation
revision of key language, pair work and peer assessment as well as exam practice
top tips to ensure success.
What’s inside
Introduction (page 4)
Teaching notes (pages 5-6)
Foundation tier
Describing a photo (Foundation question 1) (pages 7-24)
40 word task (Foundation question 2) (pages 25-44)
Translation sentences (Foundation question 3) (pages 45-61)
Foundation and Higher tiers
90 word task (Foundation question 4 and Higher question 1) (pages 62-82)
Higher tier
150 word task (Higher question 2) (pages 83-105)
Translation passage (Higher question 3) (pages 106-117)
Whet their appetites for learning languages!
Based on our popular French pack and written with the non-specialist teacher in mind, this pack is full of games and activities to introduce Spanish at KS1 or lower KS2. It includes sections on greetings, introductions, numbers, colours and parts of the body.
Key features:
17 supporting resources
includes five minute activities and activities for longer sessions, extension suggestions, home learning tasks, assessment opportunities and ideas to keep the language ticking over
links to the curriculum.
Mastering grammar: verbs and tenses (French) is designed to teach and review the key verb forms and tenses required by the GCSE curriculum at both Foundation tier and Higher tier. It is suitable for use with key stage 3 and key stage 4 students across a wide range of abilities and is not specific to a particular exam board.
The aim of the pack is to make the grammar appear logical and accessible by drawing students’ attention to patterns through fun, communicative activities that are informed by aspects of Gianfranco Conti’s EPI approach, including ‘mind reader’, ‘find someone who’ and ‘pyramid translation’.
What’s included?
The pack consists of eight units, one on each of the following tenses / verb forms:
present tense
negatives and questions
perfect tense
imperfect tense
future tenses
conditional tense
reflexive verbs
modal verbs and the passive voice
plus a review unit at the end.
The units are not intended as schemes of work but rather as a bank of ideas from which you can pick one activity or a series of activities at a level appropriate for your class. The examples used cover a variety of topics so that the activities can be integrated into your teaching at any point in the course. The vocabulary has deliberately been kept very simple, enabling students to concentrate on understanding and practising the grammar. There is particular focus on negatives and questions as examiners’ reports indicate that candidates often struggle with these.
Each unit includes:
an explanatory PowerPoint
3–5 awareness-raising activities (‘recognising the tense’)
3–5 practice activities (ranging from receptive knowledge through structured production to freer practice)
3–5 assessment tasks (receptive and productive knowledge)
answers (for activities with ‘right/wrong’ answers).
The PowerPoint teaches the grammar point explicitly, starting with a comparison of the English tense / verb form with the French one. If you have weaker students, you could show them the explanatory PowerPoint after the activities, or not at all. If you have more able students or prefer a more traditional approach, you could show them the PowerPoint explanation before starting the activities.
Browse all our GCSE French verbs and tenses resources. See our other GCSE teaching packs, on vocabulary, translation, speaking and writing.
What’s inside?
Introduction (pages 4-9)
Habits and routines: present tense (pages 10-23)
Negatives and questions: present tense (pages 24-36)
Past actions and events: perfect tense (pages 37-51)
Past habits and situations: imperfect tense (pages 52-63)
Future actions, events and situations: future tenses (pages 64-79)
Imagined situations: conditional tense (pages 80-92)
Reflexive verbs: present and perfect tenses (pages 93-102)
Rules, possibilities and processes: modal verbs and the passive voice (pages 103-112)
Verb and tense review (pages 113-122)
Mastering vocabulary – French offers research and evidence-based approaches to accelerating vocabulary acquisition for KS3-4 students.
It includes differentiated PowerPoints, collaborative learning activities and photocopiable resources to support comprehension skills for students in years 9, 10 and 11.
The resources draw on:
cognitive research into memorisation
examiners’ reports from reading and listening papers
vocabulary lists from all exam boards
best classroom practice by experienced teachers.
Suitable for any exam board, this pack covers approaches to learning, vocabulary starters, games and revision, as well as exam strategies.
What’s included?
Includes vocabulary starters, games, revision, learning strategies and exam tips.
Differentiated resources for years 9-11.
For use with AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC exam boards.
What’s inside?
Introduction (pages 3-4)
1. Learning strategies (pages 5-17)
10 tips for memorising vocabulary
Memory challenge template (PowerPoint 1)
Word wheel template
False friends quilts
2. Vocabulary starters (pages 18-42)
Word play starters: opinions (PowerPoint 2)
Triangle puzzles: time expressions
Make the link: synonyms, antonyms and connected words
3. Vocabulary games (pages 43-52)
Verb games (PowerPoint 3)
Snakes and ladders: decodable verbs
Speedy verb race
4. Vocabulary revision (pages 53-68)
Take 10 words (PowerPoint 4)
Revision quiz cards
Pick ‘n’ mix worksheets
5. Exam tips (page 69)
10 exam tips to share
This GCSE teaching pack consists of 10 PowerPoint files with accompanying photocopiable resources and is designed to improve students’ skills at translating from Spanish to English.
Based on careful analysis of examiner reports and on teacher feedback, the pack focuses on 10 key skills, each linked to a different topic.
The pack includes tasks for Foundation and Higher tiers and exam-style assessments. Weave the activities into your teaching throughout the GCSE course or use as a revision tool in the run-up to the exam.
Mastering GCSE translation – Spanish to English will prepare students for the last question in the Spanish reading exam with AQA, Edexcel or Eduqas.
What’s included?
10 differentiated PowerPoint lessons on GCSE translation skills (into English)
Engaging learning activities across 10 topics
Exam-style assessments for Foundation and Higher, with answers.
What’s inside?
Introduction (page 4)
Teaching Notes (pages 5-6)
Lesson 1: Precision (Topic: family and friends) (pages 7-11)
Learning activity: quiz, quiz, trade
Precision assessment and answers
Lesson 2: Time frames (Topic: technology) (pages 12-15)
Learning activity: collaborative translation
Time frames assessment and answers
Lesson 3: Negatives (Topic: free time) (pages 16-20)
Learning activity: verbal dominoes
Negatives assessment and answers
Lesson 4: Articles and adverbs (Topic: customs and festivals) (pages 21-27)
Learning activity: one pen, one dice
Articles and adverbs assessment and answers
Lesson 5: Pronouns and possessive adjectives (Topic: house and town) (pages 28-32)
Learning activity: four in a row game
Pronouns and possessive adjectives assessment and answers
Lesson 6: False friends (Topic: social issues) (pages 33-36)
Learning activity: card sort
False friends assessment and answers
Lesson 7: Connectives (Topic: global issues) (pages 37-41)
Learning activity: running translation
Connectives assessment and answers
Lesson 8: Unknown words (Topic: holidays) (pages 42-46)
Learning activity: card game
Unknown words assessment and answers
Lesson 9: Checking the basics (Topic: school) (pages 47-53)
Learning activity: find it and fix it
Checking the basics assessment and answers
Lesson 10: Common sense (Topic: work and future plans) (pages 54-58)
Learning activity: back to back
Common sense assessments and answers
Designed for the GCSE Spanish specifications for AQA, Edexcel and WJEC Eduqas, this pack will help students to prepare for their speaking exam.
The pack includes activities for the role-play, photo card and general conversation elements of the exam, along with revision materials.
Covering all three themes for GCSE Spanish speaking, the pack also provides differentiated material for Foundation and Higher tiers, teaching notes and answers.
What’s included?
worksheets and vocabulary support
pair work speaking activities and games
help with how to revise for Spanish speaking GCSE
model answers to use and adapt
exam-style tasks.
What’s inside?
Section one: Role-plays (pages 4-34)
Teaching notes
Las redes sociales y la tecnología
La música
El deporte
Donde vivo
En el restaurante
La salud
Las vacaciones
Los estudios y el trabajo
Section two: Photo cards (pages 35-75)
Teaching notes
Los amigos y la familia
El matrimonio y la vida en pareja
Las redes sociales y la tecnología
Las tradiciones y las celebraciones
Las obras caritativas y el voluntariado
Los problemas medioambientales
La pobreza y los sin techo
El trabajo y elegir profesión
Section three: General conversation (pages 76-101)
Teaching notes
Asking questions
Key ingredients
Practice questions
Section four: Revision (pages 102-112)
Teaching notes
Mind-map template
Word sort
Inference grids
Pass the parcel speaking
Designed for AQA’s French GCSE (but also relevant to specifications from Edexcel and Eduqas), this pack will equip students with the language and skills they need to tackle their writing exam.
Success at writing offers targeted and differentiated revision for all attainment levels, from grades 9-1. Students can pick and choose the question type they most need to work on and make real progress in a short space of time.
The pack includes activities for each of the question types in the writing exam for Foundation and Higher tiers and features top tips to help students maximise their marks.
What’s included?
activities for each of the question types for Foundation and Higher tiers, including describing a photo, the 40, 90 and 150 word tasks and translation
revision of key language, pair work and peer assessment as well as exam practice
top tips to ensure success.
What’s inside?
Introduction (page 4)
Teaching notes (page 5)
Foundation tier
Describing a photo (Foundation question 1) (pages 7-24)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
40 word task (Foundation question 2) (pages 25-44)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Translation sentences (Foundation question 3) (pages 45-61)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Foundation and Higher tiers
90 word task (Foundation question 4 and Higher question 1) (pages 62-82)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Higher tier
150 word task (Higher question 2) (pages 83-105)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Translation passage (Higher question 3) (pages 106-116)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Answers (page 117)
Designed for AQA’s Spanish GCSE but also suited to support specifications from Edexcel and Eduqas, this pack will equip students with the language and skills they need to tackle their writing exam.
Success at writing offers targeted and differentiated revision for all attainment levels, from grades 9-1. Students can pick and choose the question type they most need to work on and make real progress in a short space of time.
The pack includes activities for each of the question types in the writing exam for Foundation and Higher tiers and features top tips to help students maximise their marks.
What’s included
activities for each of the question types for Foundation and Higher tiers, including describing a photo, the 40, 90 and 150 word tasks and translation
revision of key language, pair work and peer assessment as well as exam practice
top tips to ensure success.
What’s inside?
Foundation tier
Describing a photo (Foundation question 1) (pages 7-24)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
40 word task (Foundation question 2) (pages 25-44)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Translation sentences (Foundation question 3) (pages 45-61)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Foundation and Higher tiers
90 word task (Foundation question 4 and Higher question 1) (pages 62-82)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Higher tier
150 word task (Higher question 2) (pages 83-105)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Translation passage (Higher question 3) (pages 106-117)
Getting started
Tackling the question
Exam practice
Reflect and review
Mastering grammar: verbs and tenses (German) is designed to teach and review the key verb forms and tenses required by the GCSE curriculum at both Foundation tier and Higher tier. It is suitable for use with key stage 3 and key stage 4 students across a wide range of abilities and is not specific to a particular exam board.
The aim of the pack is to make the grammar appear logical and accessible by drawing students’ attention to patterns through fun, communicative activities that are informed by aspects of Gianfranco Conti’s EPI approach, including ‘mind reader’, ‘find someone who’ and ‘pyramid translation’.
What’s included?
The pack consists of nine units, one on each of the following tenses / verb forms:
present tense
perfect tense
imperfect tense
future tense
conditional tense and imperfect subjunctive
modal verbs
word order, including negatives and questions
reflexive verbs
the imperative and man
plus a review unit at the end.
The units are not intended as schemes of work but rather as a bank of ideas from which you can pick one activity or a series of activities at a level appropriate for your class. The examples used cover a variety of topics so that the activities can be integrated into your teaching at any point in the course. The vocabulary has deliberately been kept very simple, enabling students to concentrate on understanding and practising the grammar. There is particular focus on negatives and questions as examiners’ reports indicate that candidates often struggle with these.
Each unit includes:
an explanatory PowerPoint
awareness-raising activities (‘recognising the tense’)
practice activities (ranging from receptive knowledge through structured production to freer practice)
assessment tasks (receptive and productive knowledge)
answers (for activities with ‘right/wrong’ answers).
The PowerPoint teaches the grammar point explicitly, starting with a comparison of the English tense / verb form with the German one. If you have weaker students, you could show them the explanatory PowerPoint after the activities, or not at all. If you have more able students or prefer a more traditional approach, you could show them the PowerPoint explanation before starting the activities.
What’s inside?
Introduction (pages 4–9)
Habits and routines: present tense (pages 10–22)
Past actions and events: perfect tense (pages 23–35)
Writing in the past: imperfect tense (pages 36–43)
Future actions, events and situations: present and future tenses (pages 44–59)
Imagined situations: conditional tense and imperfect subjunctive (pages 60–70)
Rules and possibilities: modal verbs (pages 71–79)
Word order: including negatives and questions (pages 80–96)
Reflexive verbs: present and perfect tenses (pages 97–103)
Orders and processes: the imperative and man (pages 104–107)
Verbs and tenses review (pages 108–116)
This GCSE teaching pack consists of 10 PowerPoint files with accompanying photocopiable resources and is designed to improve students’ skills at translating from German to English.
Based on careful analysis of examiner reports and on teacher feedback, the pack focuses on 10 key skills, each linked to a different topic.
The pack includes tasks for Foundation and Higher tiers and exam-style assessments. Weave the activities into your teaching throughout the GCSE course or use as a revision tool in the run-up to the exam.
Mastering GCSE translation – German to English will prepare students for the last question in the German reading exam with AQA, Edexcel or Eduqas.
What’s included?
10 differentiated PowerPoint lessons on GCSE translation skills (into English)
Engaging learning activities across 10 topics
Exam-style assessments for Foundation and Higher, with answers.
What’s inside?
Introduction (page 4)
Teaching Notes (pages 5-6)
Lesson 1: Precision (Topic: family and friends) (pages 7-11)
Learning activity: quiz, quiz, trade
Precision assessment and answers
Lesson 2: Time frames (Topic: technology) (pages 12-15)
Learning activity: collaborative translation
Time frames assessment and answers
Lesson 3: Negatives (Topic: free time) (pages 16-20)
Learning activity: verbal dominoes
Negatives assessment and answers
Lesson 4: Articles and adverbs (Topic: customs and festivals) (pages 21-27)
Learning activity: one pen, one dice
Articles and adverbs assessment and answers
Lesson 5: Pronouns and possessive adjectives (Topic: house and town) (pages 28-32)
Learning activity: four in a row game
Pronouns and possessive adjectives assessment and answers
Lesson 6: False friends (Topic: social issues) (pages 33-36)
Learning activity: card sort
False friends assessment and answers
Lesson 7: Connectives (Topic: global issues) (pages 37-41)
Learning activity: running translation
Connectives assessment and answers
Lesson 8: Unknown words (Topic: holidays) (pages 42-46)
Learning activity: card game
Unknown words assessment and answers
Lesson 9: Checking the basics (Topic: school) (pages 47-53)
Learning activity: find it and fix it
Checking the basics assessment and answers
Lesson 10: Common sense (Topic: work and future plans) (pages 54-58)
Learning activity: back to back
Common sense assessments and answers